Spring-Summer 2023
The Site Steward Program is 37 years old! And we're just getting better - The Watch
The 2023 Spring and Summer edition of The Watch topics include:
1. The new Three Rivers and Arizona Strip Regions and regional updates from Ajo, Central, Flagstaff, Lake Havasu, Payson and Tucson
2. The Site Steward Legacy Film - Munguia Ranch and the The Arizona Vandalism Film Series
3. Safety - Rattle Snakes and Fire Season
4. Yuma Conference Summary, with sponsors, photos and awards
5. Land Manager News
6. Arizona Site Steward Program Foundation
.....and more!

Spring-Summer 2022
Looking Back, a Peek into SSP History through the Program's Newsletter - The Watch
The 2022 Spring and Summer edition of The Watch has the old and the new, topics include:
1. The history of The Watch newsletter
2. 2022 Conference information
3. The Arizona Site Steward Foundation and Arizona Project Archaeology
4. Regional Updates
5. A Movement to Save History
6. Legislation to create an Off-Highway Vehicle Committee
.....and more!

Fall 2021
Keeping Sight and Honoring Tribal Perspective.
The 2021 Summer and Fall edition of The Watch is all about the upcoming in-person Site Steward Annual Conference , October 29-31, 2021. In this newsletter you will find current information for:
1. Conference Registration
2. Lodging
3. Workshop Descriptions
4. Tours, Field Trips and Activity Information
5. Site Steward Program Foundation Auction
6. Awards Celebration and Luncheon

Spring 2020
The 2020 Spring and Summer edition of The Watch is dedicated to preservation and education challenges during the COVID-19 epidemic. In this newsletter you will find:
1. New Database Launch Information
2. March 2021 Site Steward Conference in Yuma and one day virtual Workshop in November 2020.
3. On line training opportunities
4. Region Updates, Vandalism Reports
5. Safety: Africanized Bees
6. Project Archaeology and Site Stewards
Summer 2019
This edition of The Watch focuses on our Annual Site Steward Conference for 2019. On the following pages you will find:
1. Conference Planning Committee Message
2. Link to Register for the Conference.
3. Descriptions of Each Workshop/Tour and Sunday Field Trips
4. 2019 Conference Agenda
5. 2019 Awards Nomination Form
6. Lodging Information

Spring 2019
Read about a gathering of local and international experts at the White Mountain Apache Tribal Historic Preservation Office to review the problem of looting. Sponsored by a grant from the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, and in coordination with the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the nonprofit Archaeology Southwest, this workshop was the first international conference held at Fort Apache, and the first time archaeological scientists really rolled up their sleeves to learn from Apache people and land.