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What We Do

The Arizona Site Steward Program Foundation (ASSPF) works in collaboration with the Site Steward Program Coordinator, Regional Coordinators, State and Federal Land Managers, Tribes, and Site Stewards. The Foundation supports the Program's preservation mission and funds the implementation of its strategic plan. 


We provide technical and fiscal support for Site Steward training workshops and collaborative volunteer trainings.  Between 2019 and 2022 the Foundation committed over $30,000 to support the Site Steward Program conferences.  


We solicit funding for the Program through grants, corporate sponsorships, and private tax-deductible donations that can be used for Site Steward training, annual conferences and workshops and honoring our Site Steward volunteers. As part of our public education initiative, the Foundation champions Arizona Project Archaeology. 


We also sponsor public education and preservation outreach.  The Foundation supports the Site Steward Program in communicating its cultural resource preservation goals to the general public via social media, website information and outreach events. This outreach generates public support for the program and generates new Site Steward recruits! 


ASSPF sponsors and serves as the fiscal agent for Arizona Project Archaeology . Developed by Montana State University and the US Bureau of Land Management, Project Archaeology provides a fully developed, interdisciplinary, science-based Archaeological curriculum for 3rd-5th graders, in compliance with 2019 Arizona History Standards. 

Who We Are


The Board of Directors for ASSPF reflects and represents all aspects of the Site Steward Program Board positions are filled by Land Managers, Tribal Representatives, a SHPO representative, the Site Steward Program Coordinator, Regional Coordinators, and Site Stewards.  The Foundation seeks to represent all aspects of the Program. 


The Foundation Supports: 


Site Protection - Preserving the special places of our past by providing signage to inform the public about the irreplaceable cultural resources they may be entering. Providing field cameras to help monitor for unauthorized site access, so actions may be taken to better identify criminal activity to help prosecute vandals or thieves. 


Site Steward Training - With over 800 Site Steward volunteers monitoring historic and prehistoric sites around the State, it is challenging to ensure consistent, high quality training. Your donations will help create training tools in different formats (on-line, video, interactive, classroom instruction, field instruction) so Site Stewards are well prepared. 


Workshops/Conferences – After initial training, Site Stewards benefit by being informed about current archaeological findings, on-going research, best practices in site management and a host of other issues that help make them not only the best Stewards, but the best Ambassadors for the Program. 


Preservation Outreach – Educating the public about the importance of site preservation, the role of the Site Steward Program and challenges faced by public land managers in trying to protect sites has always been a goal of the Program. Your donations will help support Site Stewards as they promote this outreach through booths at public events or targeted presentations to civil/social clubs or schools. 


Site Steward Awards and Recognition – Our Stewards work very hard to protect sites every day. They are irreplaceable champions for the Program. Your donations will help us recognize their outstanding contributions. 

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