Arizona Site Steward Conferences
Serving our valuable community of preservation volunteers
Every year, the Arizona Site Steward Program (SSP) provides a multi-day Education Conference for all Arizona Site Steward volunteers, partner land managers, tribes, and other preservation guests. The focus is to provide exceptional workshops and activities to help members expand their knowledge of archaeology and preservation-related topics, develop new site monitoring skills and to come together as one group to network and recognize program members and group achievements.
Our Conference plays such an important part in the Program! There is an amazing amount of work put into providing the best experience for all attendees. Conference workshops are uniquely tailored to the conference location and each year's cultural preservation issues. We engage expert guest speakers for our educational workshops, and provide hands-on activities and Sunday excursions for our attendees. With financial support from the Arizona Site Steward Program Foundation, along with federal and state agencies and cultural resource management companies, the SSP is able to provide this annual training to all Program members for free. There are no registration fees to attend the Site Steward Conference.
The Foundation and Program thanks AES Solar Energy for their 2023-2025 conference support!
Our Story
Our Foundation was established in 2017 because dedicated Arizona Site Stewards wanted to ensure that our more than 500+ volunteer member- organization would always have a structure of support to continue our mission of monitoring prehistoric and historic archaeological sites. We provide public awareness, education about cultural resources and through Project Archaeology and, most importantly, we fundraise to support the Arizona Site Steward Program.
Our Program was developed by Governor Bruce Babbitt and his Archaeology Advisory Commission in an attempt to support the protection of cultural sites on public lands. Starting with three regions and four partners, the program has grown to encompass the entire state and 32 local, state, federal and non-profit partners. The Arizona Site Steward Program is an organization of volunteers, sponsored by the public land managers of Arizona, whose members are selected, trained and certified by the State Historic Preservation Office. The chief objective of the Program is to monitor prehistoric and historic archaeological and paleontological sites in Arizona and report destruction or vandalism to the land managers. Stewards are also active in public education and outreach activities.
2024 Central Arizona Regional Training
Site Steward Regional Training at the Gila River Indian Community Huhugam Heritage Center
April 13, 2024
After being rained out in March (when does that happen?) the 2024 Central Arizona Regional Training, at the beautiful Huhugam Heritage Center, was as rousing success. Over 75 Site Stewards heard from the Director of the Huhugam Heritage Center, the SHPO Preservation Officer, and the Arizona Site Steward Program Foundation. Workshops included Crime Scene Management, How to Collect Coordinates in the Field, Cultural Perspectives, Snake Safety and the always popular Crime Scene Management. The Center's museum was open to our group and indigenous arts vendors were on site with their jewelry baskets and pottery. The indigenous foods lunch, provided by the Akimel O'odham Women Owned Ranch Mobile Eatery, was sincerely amazing.
Sunday excursions included graffiti clean-up, a Pima Canyon Hike and Field Training with Scott Woods.
Lastly, we were pleased to honor our 5 and 10 year Site Stewards at lunch. Our volunteers are the lifeline of this program. We are honored to recognize their dedication to archaeological preservation in Arizona.

Cultural Crossroads
2022 Site Steward & Historic Preservation Conference, Yuma, Arizona
October 19-21, 2022
The 2022 annual Arizona Site Steward Program Conference, held in concert with the Historic Preservation Conference, was a rousing success! Attended by over 100 Stewards, we enjoyed three days of workshops, presentations, networking opportunities and cultural excursions in and around the history-filled city of Yuma Arizona.
We introduced some new features this year! Our full agenda with maps, announcements, speaker information and the ability to build your own schedule was available via the WebEx Events App. Also, the Foundation offered two ways to participate in the silent auction this year; along with our in-person auction at the conference, we offered an online auction through Charity Auctions Today. This new online auction featured some great deals for travel adventures and beautiful jewelry.
During this conference the Site Steward Program recognized our member's outstanding efforts in protecting our cultural resources over the course of the previous year. We were pleased to honor these volunteers who do so much to protect our heritage. There's a full list of our awardees HERE.
Thank you to all the individuals who made donations, participated in our auctions and bought t-shirts this year! This is one of the Foundations biggest fundraisers each year and all funds go directly to supporting the Site Steward Program. A special thank you to our individual donors: Shelley Rasmussen, Judy Stoycheff, Tom Crager, Trudy Mertens, Glenda Simmons, Jenny & Dick Anderson, Luke Edens, Ruthanna Battilana, Margaret Hangan, Johna Hutira and Van Newville.
Cultural Crossroads
2022 Site Steward & Historic Preservation Conference, Yuma, Arizona
October 19-21, 2022
The 2022 annual Arizona Site Steward Program Conference, held in concert with the Historic Preservation Conference, was a rousing success! Attended by over 100 Stewards, we enjoyed three days of workshops, presentations, networking opportunities and cultural excursions in and around the history-filled city of Yuma Arizona.
We introduced some new features this year! Our full agenda with maps, announcements, speaker information and the ability to build your own schedule was available via the WebEx Events App. Also, the Foundation offered two ways to participate in the silent auction this year; along with our in-person auction at the conference, we offered an online auction through Charity Auctions Today. This new online auction featured some great deals for travel adventures and beautiful jewelry.
During this conference the Site Steward Program recognized our member's outstanding efforts in protecting our cultural resources over the course of the previous year. We were pleased to honor these volunteers who do so much to protect our heritage. There's a full list of our awardees HERE.
Thank you to all the individuals who made donations, participated in our auctions and bought t-shirts this year! This is one of the Foundations biggest fundraisers each year and all funds go directly to supporting the Site Steward Program. A special thank you to our individual donors: Shelley Rasmussen, Judy Stoycheff, Tom Crager, Trudy Mertens, Glenda Simmons, Jenny & Dick Anderson, Luke Edens, Ruthanna Battilana, Margaret Hangan, Johna Hutira and Van Newville.
Keeping Sight and Honoring the Tribal Perspective
2021 Site Steward Conference, Tempe
October 29-31, 2021
The 2021 Site Steward Annual Conference was held October 29th-31st at the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel in Tempe Arizona. Along with great sessions and an overflowing award lunch we had a chance to reconnect in person. Thanks to everyone who attended.
To recap; the annual SSP Conference provided excellent training through workshops and activities for our volunteer Site Stewards. In this conference we recognized and celebrated the great work that all Stewards and Land Managers do for the preservation of cultural resources in the southwest. While the focus is on the program's volunteers, and partnering land managers, the conference also welcomes members of the public who are involved in cultural resources and Arizona's 22 Native American tribes.
A full list of our 2021 Site Steward Awards is HERE. And a list of our Appreciation and Special Awards is HERE.
A big thank you to the following people and businesses who donated to our Silent Auction. We raised $2,570 from your generosity.
And a special thank you to Hopi Artist, Duane Koyawena, who designed the new Site Steward shirts for 2021. Some of you know Duane from his art work -anytime a SSP member has reached 20-years in the program they are awarded a beautiful print made by Duane. It was an honor to work with Duane to offer something new to our members.

Many Regions - One Goal
2019 Site Steward Conference at the Grand Canyon
November 1-3, 2019
The first weekend of November in northern Arizona was perfect. Arizona Site Stewards, Land Managers and Regional Coordinators enjoyed cool sunny days and crisp fall nights while attending two days of workshops and presentations at the Grand Canyon National Park during its centennial year celebration. On Sunday attendees were treated to a day for cultural excursions in and around the Park. With over 150 attendees this conference was an amazing success!
Site Steward Awards. The Site Steward Program recognized several of our members for their outstanding efforts in protecting our cultural resources over the course of the previous year.
A full list of our 2019 Site Steward Awardees is HERE.
We acknowledge and thank our Grand Canyon hosts, sponsors, presenters and tour guides.